Our Products

Slovalco is primary aluminium producer. Our final products are aluminium alloys in the shape of extrusion ingots and primary foundry alloys shaped as ingots. Aluminium products are further processing in other industries (automotive, aircraft, electro-technical, construction etc.). Extrusion ingots dominated the total production in 2014, reaching the ratio of 63%. The extrusion ingots are shaped as long cylinders or logs, with the diameter of 15,2 to 27,9 cm and the length of 0,4 up to 7 meters. The minimum weight of a single extrusion ingot is 350 kilograms. The second most important product is primary foundry alloys.

Our Mission and Vision

Our mission is to produce aluminium using a modern ecological process and refine it into alloys of the required shapes and properties to meet the needs of the processers and end-users of products made of our metal. We will be:

  • exemplary in the area of occupational health and safety,
  • minimizing the environmental impacts of our activities,
  • a leader in quality and customer care,
  • a permanently growing company attractive to investors, engaged in all aspects of life cycle of aluminium,
  • an ambitious company focused on continual improvements

Safety First

Our goals are:

  • no work accidents among employees of the company or contractors‘employees,
  • no occupational diseases among both the employees of the company and contractors’ employees,
  • prevention of major industrial accidents.
Occupational health and safety comes first in all Slovalco business activities and forms part of an integrated management system. We are aware of our responsibility for the safe operation of equipment for the production of aluminium and aluminium
