This page contains Information for the public, which is required to be provided by the operator of an undertaking classified as category A or B within the meaning of Act No. 128/2015 Coll. on the prevention of major industrial accidents (MIA) and on the amendment and supplementation of certain acts. The operator is obliged to ensure permanent public access to the information. It shall ensure that the public that may be affected by a major industrial accident is regularly informed about safety measures as well as about instructions on how the public should behave in the event of a major industrial accident.
Data identifying the waste recovery facility referred to in the meaning of § 6, paragraph 1, Decree of the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic No. 371/2015 Coll., which implements certain provisions of the Waste Act:
Name of the facility:
Waste recovery facilities: Melting and casting furnace TAMF-35
The business name and registered office of the operator of the facilty:
SLOVALCO, a.s., Priemyselná 14, 965 48 Žiar nad Hronom
Operating time of the facility:
Continuous operation
List of waste types handled by the facility:
No. | Catalogue number | Name of waste type | Waste category |
1. | 12 01 03 | non-ferrous metal filings and chips | O |
2. | 17 04 02 | aluminium | O |
3. | 19 10 02 | non-ferrous metal waste | O |
4. | 19 12 03 | non-ferrous metals | O |
Name of the public authority which issued the consent for the operation of the facility:
SLOVAK ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTION Environment Inspectorate Banská Bystrica
Jegorovova 29B, 974 01 Banská Bystrica
Decision number: 5421-20512/2021/10/470250106/Z19
Issued in Banská Bystrica on 09.06.2021
Entry into force: 28.06.2021
Name and surname of the person responsible for the operation of the facility:
Ing. Helena Novodomcová
Chief Production and Technical Officer
Tel. +421 45 608 7171